Fast, Reliable, and Affordable Internet
for Every Home, Farm, and Business. 

Arizona will soon have more money for broadband than ever before. When determining how this money will be used, the state government is required to incorporate local input. This means that each Arizonan can influence the largest-ever investment in Arizona’s broadband. 

If you’ve ever wanted faster, more reliable, or more affordable internet, now is the time to get it!

Arizona Broadband for All was created to help Arizonans make the most of this opportunity. We encourage ALL Arizonans — no matter your level of broadband experience — to join.

Hundreds of thousands of Arizonans lack fast, reliable, affordable internet.

We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make Arizona’s broadband service meet our needs.

Join Arizona Broadband for All

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As an Arizona Broadband for All Member, You Will:

Late 2023: Participate in the broadband planning process. These plans will determine how Arizona will use its broadband funds.

Early 2024: Participate in the broadband mapping process. These maps will determine where Arizona will use its broadband funds.

Ongoing: Meet with lawmakers and government administrators. These meetings will help ensure that the state’s priorities match your own.

Ongoing: Learn about the state’s broadband activity. We’ll help you understand and keep track of all the programs and issues.

Ongoing: Serve as ambassadors to your area. The more Arizonans who participate in this process, the more likely we are to get everyone connected.