Talking BEAD, Economic Development and the State’s Middle Mile Network with Arizona’s Broadband Director

“We’re set up to attract, expand, and create new businesses and job opportunities while at the same time be unimpeded by government red tape and mandates,” said Sandip Bhowmick, state broadband director and vice president of infrastructure at Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA). Arizona’s broadband office is housed within the ACA, a unique government organization overseen by a public-private board of directors and chaired by the Arizona governor. With the hefty BEAD investment on the way, Bhowmick explained that Arizona is much better prepared than it would have been even just a few years ago. After running a feasibility study prior to the pandemic, worked with the Arizona Department of Transportation to create the Smart Highway Corridors System. To-date, nearly 204 miles of the middle mile network have been completed, with an additional middle mile network of 197 miles is currently being built to Flagstaff from California. Bhowmick espoused that the new fiber infrastructure and middle-mile fiber network is a foundation for BEAD to deliver maximum impact in Arizona.

See the full piece here.